Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Misc: Television Sucks

So before you actually read the crap that I wrote out over two years ago just to keep someone's website up, let's see if I can write something comprehensible, totally unlike Giygas's attacks. You'll have to excuse me, I've been playing the MOTHER games for the past month, and I somehow became even more of a fan. There's half of a reason though, and that's because I don't do much than type on the computer, play MUGEN, go on YouTube and find things to type about, and chats. Yes, chats. With actual people and not bots. Boy, those were the days.
"But RSR," you say, "Don't you watch TV? Surely you have a TV box." This is true. I actually own video game consoles, so I need something to play them on. I also have a DVD player which I use to watch movies and other videos that I've burnt onto DVDs. Otherwise, I don't use it, because there's nothing else to use it for. Yes, I have cable, but screw it.
First of all, it's kind of sad that there aren't many good shows that haven't been canceled already. Thinking back, I watched Chappelle's Show when it was still going, and it was one of those shows that I'd watch weekly. When Dave left, what did Comedy Central give us? Mind of Mencia. Yes, I can hear your collective groan. Trust me, I'm groaning too. Also, there was MXC, which was good for a while before I stopped watching Spike TV. Then I caught it again, and it's more like, yeah it's there, but who really cares? Especially now since we get Ninja Warrior, which is ten times better. And even though I never watched it myself, I hear people always wondering why the hell FOX canceled Arrested Development. What did we get in place of that? The War at Home. Way to go.
Also, you've heard the complaints that the Simpsons isn't funny anymore. Well yeah. As a matter of fact, the last new Simpsons episode I watched was "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind", which is a parody of one of my favorite movies of all time, therefore I watched, and it ended up apparently being one of the funniest Simpsons episodes in a while. Yes, there are still funny episodes, but you still need to watch the unfunny ones to get to them. This makes me wonder why King of the Hill is still on, but I'm not going to question that show's audience anymore than I have for the past seven years. Luckily, we still have Futurama in a manner of speaking, so animation isn't completely lost. Also, the Venture Brothers is pretty clever, but the wait is always long for new episodes. Anyway, this isn't a bad thing, so I'm going to stop talking about it.
The second thing is that maybe as I'm growing up, I start to wonder why cartoons are so painfully unfunny now. Parents didn't like the Cartoon Cartoons that much, as they had grown up with perfectly violent programming as they were young'ns. We of course, grew up with such shows like Dexter's Laboratory and Rocko's Modern Life. Friggin hilarious, but now gone, unless you have Boomerang for Dexter. Rocko on the other hand, has been sent to the great beyond. That's a totally different thing in itself though, so I won't bother. Either way, shows for kids are annoying these days. Yes, this statement is generally aimed at the Disney Channel, and all 70 of their teen idols. I could, right off the bat, say Hannah Montana, but no, I'll save her for later. Disney Channel's programming, which used to be actually tolerable at one hazy point, has just created unfunny sitcoms for younger children/preteens. Yes, because cartoons are so behind the times now, unless they feature talking sponges. Once again, another thing to write about for another time. They're also all pretty much the same with a different premise anyway. Some teenage girl has something that's not going her way, she complains about it, she makes up some elaborate plan to stop it which 8 times out of 10 involves some ridiculous costume that NO ONE should fall for, and then a choice. Either they totally misunderstood the idea, they compeltely messed up completely which is what it normally comes to, or they hurt a friend in the process, and you get the sad remix of the main theme. Either way, it all ends up good in the end, so don't worry. The same could be said for all sitcoms, but Disney Channel has perfected this and has somehow made millions of dollars off of doing the SAME THING.
Finally, and the main reason I made this, REALITY SHOWS. You know what I mean. American Idol, the overglorified kareoke contest, failed to bring anyone who remotely stood out this year other than David Archuleta, whoever the hell that is. Also, who the hell keeps greenlighting these goddamn "Love" shows? You know whicn ones I'm talking about. Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, I Love New York, and A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME. AND NONE OF THEM ARE GOOD. Not to mention, you have to be chronically fucked up in order to be on the shows. No, you can't be nice and normal or anything, you have to have something that makes you stand out and able to fight with very other girl/male on the cast. But the reality show that got me this riled up was on E!. You know E! right? Simple Life? Girls Next Door? Well, today I was forced to watch an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. For those who don't know, Kim Kardashian is a woman with a huge behind that achieved fame like Paris Hilton did. Fucked some guy, made a video, is now famous. E! noticed this, and gave her and the rest of her sisters (who's names all start with the letter K) a show. Perhaps it was the fact that the particular episode had one of the Cheetah Girls on it, and I don't like any of them. Maybe it was because I find starting a chicken coop because there aren't any eggs to be stupid. But I now dislike Kim and Khloe and Kourtney even more than I did before. I felt as if I had lost some IQ points just watching it. It also makes me continue to question exactly why Kim Kardashian is famous, but I don't tend to think about that alot, because I figure that I'll soon get an aneurysm and I won't be able to think about anything else again other than Kim and her backside. I'm still in school, so I have to use my brain for more constructive things, so I won't dwell on it that much.
So, what the hell? Is this what TV has turned into? I mean, sure you have all these dramas, but they aren't all that good. Deal or No Deal was tolerable for a while, but eventually my interest in that died. But, is there truly nothing that I watch on TV? No, there's still some things. I'd say anime, but there isn't any anime worth watching anymore on TV THANK YOU VERY MUCH CARTOON NETWORK. Adult Swim hasn't been good for a while, so I suppose I'm waiting for the next season of the Venture Bros while I watch Space Ghost on YouTube. I'm trying to get into Doctor Who since some of my friends are into it. Otherwise, there isn't much.
So, I'm supposed to end with some kind of joke. Uh... well, you know that we have to trade in our Analog TVs for Digital TVs, right? There you go.

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