Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Beats of Rage Mod Review: Battletoads

Oh look! I'm reviewing ANOTHER Battletoads game! Truth is though, for this game, you can't blame me AT ALL. I've played Beats of Rage. I've played the mods. This is the ultimate Beats of Rage game. First things first. I'm using OpenBOR, and it has four-player support. Yes, it works on Xbox too, which is f'in awesome. Now, let's get into the mod. You can choose between five characters. Oh what, you think they're going to restrict it to just the 'Toads? Hells to the naw. If you want to learn about the Toads, read the Battletoads arcade review. Like the Battletoads arcade game, surprisingly, ALL THE TOADS ARE PLAYABLE! They even have some new moves, or at least moves I haven't seen yet. Either way, the main attraction that this mod brings to me is...

Badamn. Sketch Freakin' Turner. If you don't know who Sketch Turner is, it's time for me to tell you a little story. Back in the day, Beat 'em Ups were great, and Sega always had the edge up on Nintendo as far as Beat 'em Ups go. Nintendo got the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, which granted, are very good, but when it came down to it, Sega made their own, and they were normally superior. Many people may not remember Comix Zone, as opposed to the immensely popular Streets of Rage games. However, the best Beat 'Em Up in my opinion was Comix Zone. It was released on the Genesis, released in Great Britain on the Game Boy Advance, and most recently released on the Wii on the Virtual Console. Also, there's this zombie dude, I don't know. Now, I'm playing alone, so obviously, it won't be as fun as if I was playing with three other people. Eh...

Now, there are five games here. Just for the sole purpose of showing off, I'm going to play Comix. And obviously, I'm going to use Sketch Turner.

As you can see, it's pretty straight forward. That is, you walk forward and you beat the crap out of people. There are a multitude of options here, and you never get tired of beating the crap out of people. Now, of course, where would a Battletoads game be without the difficulty? You get five lives, plus four countinues. Even with that, it's tough to make it through most games. The Comix game is easy only because you don't have to do much walking up and down, which can be a major factor in Beat em Ups (and if you have godawful accuracy, like yours truly).

Each of the characters have what was called in Final Fight, an Extra Joy move, or Special Move if you will. This CAN put some distance between you and enemies, but watch your health. Everytime you use it, your health goes down.

In another game, Zombie Party, your job is to save the city from Zombies. Now, this DOES have you walking up and down, so it can be a real drag. Like I said, my main problem is that I'm all alone...

As you can see, it is super easy to get your ass kicked in this game if you're playing by yourself. So if I were you, I'd get some friends together and mess these zombies up. What are YOU waiting for?

Rematch is the story of the Toads attempting to make it to see the ULTIMATE FUCKING REMATCH. Ivan "I Must Break You" Drago vs. The Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa! I don't know why people would try to attack a bunch of Toads and/or a Comic artist and/or a zombie, but hey, it makes an amusing premise.
Besides, NO ONE gets between Rash and Rocky Balboa. Not even random street punks.

Here's another neat thing about this game. When you grab your enemy (which is done by just walking up to them), you can perform a multitude of moves by pressing up and attack, down and attack, or just attacking. Here, I just pressed attack, and it just gave me the giant fist. The down attack gives me the claws (meaning that if I was Zitz, it would be the DRILLA KILLA) and the up attack gives me the giant boot. Wait a minute, did I say giant fist? I'm Rash! Rash doesn't punch! No, I'm not nitpicking, I'm just being stupid.

Chances are, the first game you'll play (which is the first game on the list) is T.Bird Rescue. Professor T. Bird gets birdnapped, and it's up to you to get him back! This is the stage with all the rats and stuff from the Battletoads games, so it makes alot more sense than Rematch, Zombie Party, and Comix. Although you know, they're all awesome. Oh, and since I'm Zitz, before I forget...


Okay, now with that out of the way, let's talk music for a bit. From what I hear, none of the music itself is original, they're taken from Battletoads games. The sound however, is great (if you're using a version of OpenBOR that HAS great sound). The rats make noises when they try to get up again, the attacks have their own sound (Such as the sound of a drill), and so on and so forth.

Oh, and look at this! You can use weapons too! This is awesome in MANY MANY ways. I love using weapons in games like this.

Finally, it's time for Revenge. In an un-toadlike manner, they're going to get a little Payback on the Dark Queen for kidnapping T.Bird. As you can see, I'm Bub, the zombie. I don't know why Bub, the Zombie is in this game, but who am I to complain?

As you can plainly see, there are alot of enemies. None of them at all are better than the Zombie attack that you get in Zombie Party. Zombie Party is obviously my favorite game, only because it's really challenging, and I would expect really shines when you get more people to play.
In the end, Battletoads, the Beats of Rage mod, is one of the best I've played. This is how Beat 'Em Ups SHOULD be.

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